Monday, September 30, 2019

Contrasting “Conflict in Things Fall Apart” and “Heart of Darkness” Essay

Heart of Darkness by Josef Conrad and Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe are two novels that are written to make a statement. Both are meant to stir the emotions of the reader, whether those emotions be anger, hope, frustration, joy, despair, or enlightenment. Both novels take place in the same location and same time period and involve the same groups of people. Both novels depict European imperialism in the African Congo in the 1800s. The obvious distinction between the two is that Heart of Darkness tells a tale from the European point of view while Things Fall Apart tells one from the Native African Tribe point of view. Both authors use extremely well developed characters to manifest and exhibit controversies and bring to light critical aspects of human nature and propensity. Both authors use conflict of various types to ascertain an overall theme. Although the novels use similar settings in the expression of their ideas, the underlying themes Conrad and Achebe choose to focus on are very different. Chiefly, the ultimate conflict in Heart of Darkness is one of Man vs. Himself, while the ultimate conflict in Things Fall Apart is one of Man vs. Man. To begin, both Conrad and Achebe wish to make statements on the negative consequences of Imperialism with their novels, but choose to emphasize completely unrelated and extremely different issues. In Heart of Darkness, the conflict has to do with the destructive consequences of the self-discovery and internal turmoil that goes with segregation from society in an untamed, ruthless, savage place such as the African Congo. Years of life in the jungle drove the brilliant Kurtz to near insanity: â€Å"the wilderness had found him out early, and had taken on him a terrible vengeance for the fantastic invasion. I think it had whispered things to him about himself which he did not know, things of which he had no conception till he took council with this great solitude† (98). For Marlow, the dark and hollow core inside himself and all mankind is also exposed during his conquest into the unfamiliar land, and he too comes very close to being pushed into insanity by his realizations: â€Å"The most you can hope from it is some knowledge of yourself — that comes too late — a crop of  inextinguishable regrets†¦ Since I had peeped over the edge myself, I understand better the meaning of his stare†¦ he had made that last stride, he had stepped over the edge, while I had been permitted to draw back my hesitating foot† (119). Obviously, Conrad chose to focus his novel not on the conflicts that arise between people in societies that try to impose on each other, but rather how a new environment and point of view can lead to self-discovery and internal conflict within oneself. On the other hand, Achebe’s obvious focus was on the falling apart of a culture that can occur with a more powerful culture’s abrupt influence. He emphisizes throughout his novel many directly contrasting aspects of European society and the Ibo people, and the conflict this causes both between the two group and among the Ibo people themselves. As the wise Obierka observes, â€Å"he [the white man] has put a knife on the things that hold us [the Ibo people] together and we have fallen apart†. The use of the words he and we implies that the conflict exists between individuals; between whites and blacks, Europeans and natives, believers and non-believers, loyalists and traitors. More specifically, one can observe the trials of the two novels’ main characters. Both main characters are tragic heroes and develop such dreadful internal conflict that in the end both are led to destruction, this conflict is rooted very differently for each of them. In Heart of Darkness, inner station manager Kurtz is found by Marlow in a state of essential insanity; an intellectual and economic genius turned delusional, raving, fanatical, and savage. As Marlow explains, Kurtz’s â€Å"intelligence was perfectly clear and concentrated, it is true, upon himself with horrible intensity, yet clear; †¦ his soul was mad. Being alone in the wilderness, it had looked within itself, and, by heavens! I tell you, it had gone mad† (113). Kurtz’s downfall was one that had developed from within himself. In Things Fall Apart, former tribal leader and respected warrior Okonkwo ends up losing the admiration of his people and eventually hanging himself. The self-loat hing hopelessness that led to his suicide came primarily from the discord that had developed between himself and the people of his tribe and the hostility of the whites.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Following Simple Instructions

This is a ten thousand word (military related) essay on the importance to follow simple instructions, the importance of non commissioned officers in the military, and why it is important to follow leadership whether u are in the military or another form of work in which u are under a form of leadership. I am writing this specific ten thousand word essay because i did not complete another ten thousand word essay in the certain amount of time i was given, over leave, that was assigned to me by my non commissioned officer. Unfortunately for the army, i am not the only one who has disobeyed his non commissioned officer in some way or another. Many privates, specialists and even non commissioned and commissioned officers have disobeyed their superior officers in some way or another. their superior officers could have ignored this transgression, they might have given them a non punitive punishment or they might have even resorted to the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Thus subjecting them to the appropriate punishments, such as article 15, article 91, article 92, or even others that could be much more harmful or possibly less harmful to that private's, specialist's, non commissioned officers' or commissioned officers' payroll, family, free time or even his own freedom by sending him to a federal prison, such as Fort Levinworth. Here is one such non punitive action, an essay that maintains the title â€Å"Essay on Obeyeing a Lawful Order From An NCO†, done by another, i believe to be, private; â€Å"This is a 2000 word essay on the importance of obeying a lawful order from an NCO. The reason for me to be writing this essay is because I disobeyed a direct order from a senior NCO, I was told to move into the barracks by Sunday and I completely ignored this order and went along doing my own thing. It is extremely important to obey an NCO because if you don’t the consequences will be bad in doing so you are violating article 91 and article 92. The following is the elements of article 91 (1) Striking or assaulting warrant, noncommissioned, or petty officer. (a) That the accused was a warrant officer or enlisted member; (b) That the accused struck or assaulted a certain warrant, noncommissioned, or petty fficer; (c) That the striking or assault was committed while the victim was in the execution of office; and (d) That the accused then knew that the person struck or assaulted was a warrant, noncommissioned, or petty officer. Note: If the victim was the superior noncommissioned or petty officer of the accused, add the following elements (e) That the victim was the superior noncommissioned, or petty officer of the accused; and (f) That the accused then knew that the person struck or assaulted was the accuser’s superior non-commissioned, or petty officer. 2) Disobeying a warrant, noncommissioned, or petty officer. (a) That the accused was a warrant officer or enlisted member; (b) That the accused received a certain lawful order from a certain warrant, noncommissioned, or petty officer; (c) That the accused then knew that the person giving the order was a warrant, noncommissioned, or petty officer; (d) That the accused had a duty to obey the order; and (e) That the accused willfully disobeyed the order. (3) Treating with contempt or being disrespectful in language or deportment toward a warrant, non-commissioned, or petty officer. a) That the accused was a warrant officer or enlisted member; (b) That the accused did or omitted certain acts, or used certain language; (c) That such behavior or language was used toward and within sight or hearing of a certain warrant, noncommissioned, or petty officer; (d) That the accused then knew that the person toward whom the behavior or language was directed was a warrant, noncommissioned, or petty officer; (e) That the victim was then in the execution of office; and (f) That under the circumstances the accused, by such behavior or language, treated with contempt or was disrespectful to said warrant, noncommissioned, or petty officer. Note: If the victim was the superior noncommissioned, or petty officer of the accused, add the following elements (g) That the victim was the superior noncommissioned, or petty officer of the accused; and (h) That the accused then knew that the person toward whom the behavior or language was directed was the accuser’s superior noncommissioned, or petty officer. The following is an explanation of article 91 (1) In general. Article 91 has the same general objects with respect to warrant, noncommissioned, and petty officers as Articles 89 and 90 have with respect to commissioned officers, namely, to ensure obedience to their lawful orders, and to protect them from violence, insult, or disrespect. Unlike Articles 89, and 90, however, this article does not require a superior-subordinate relationship as an element of any of the offenses denounced. This article does not protect an acting noncommissioned officer or acting petty officer, nor does it protect military police or members of the shore patrol who are not warrant, noncommissioned, or petty officers. The Maximum punishment of article 91 is as follows. 1) Striking or assaulting warrant officer. Dishonorable discharge, forfeiture of all pay and allowances, and confinement for 5 years. (2) Striking or assaulting superior noncommissioned or petty officer. Dishonorable discharge, for-feature of all pay and allowances, and confinement for 3 years. (3) Strik ing or assaulting other noncommissioned or petty officer. Dishonorable discharge, forfeiture of all pay and allowances, and confinement for 1 year. (4) Willfully disobeying the lawful order of a warrant officer. Dishonorable discharge, forfeiture of all pay and allowances, and confinement for 2 years. (5) Willfully disobeying the lawful order of a noncommissioned or petty officer. Bad-conduct discharge, forfeiture of all pay and allowances, and confinement for 1 year. (6) Contempt or disrespect to warrant officer. Bad-conduct discharge, forfeiture of all pay and allowances, and confinement for 9 months. (7) Contempt or disrespect to superior noncommissioned or petty officer. Bad-conduct discharge, forfeiture of all pay and allowances, and confinement for 6 months. (8) Contempt or disrespect to other noncommissioned or petty officer. Forfeiture of two-thirds pay per month for 3 months, and confinement for 3 months. The following is the elements of article 92 (1) Violation of or failure to obey a lawful general order or regulation. a) That there was in effect a certain lawful general order or regulation; (b) That the accused had a duty to obey it; and (c) That the accused violated or failed to obey the order or regulation. (2) Failure to obey other lawful order. (a) That a member of the armed forces issued a certain lawful order; (b) That the accused had knowled ge of the order; (c) That the accused had a duty to obey the order; and (d) That the accused failed to obey the order. (3) Dereliction in the performance of duties. (a) That the accused had certain duties; (b) That the accused knew or reasonably should have known of the duties; and (c) That the accused was (willfully) (through neglect or culpable inefficiency) derelict in the performance of those duties. The explanation of article 92 is as follows. (1) Violation of or failure to obey a lawful general order or regulation. (a) General orders or regulations are those orders or regulations generally applicable to an armed force which are properly published by the President or the Secretary of Defense, of Transportation, or of a military department, and those orders or regulations generally applicable to the command of the officer issuing them throughout the command or a particular subdivision thereof which are issued by: (I) an officer having general court-martial jurisdiction; (ii) a general or flag officer in command; or (iii) a commander superior to (I) or (ii). b) A general order or regulation issued by a commander with authority under Article 92(1) retains its character as a general order or regulation when another officer takes command, until it expires by its own terms or is rescinded by separate action, even if it is issued by an officer who is a general or flag officer in comman d and command is assumed by another officer who is not a general or flag officer. (c) A general order or regulation is lawful unless it is contrary to the Constitution, the laws of the United States, or lawful superior orders or for some other reason is beyond the authority of the official issuing it. See the discussion of lawfulness in paragraph 14a(2). (d) Knowledge. Knowledge of a general order or regulation need not be alleged or proved, as knowledge is not an element of this offense and a lack of knowledge does not constitute a defense. (e) Enforceability. Not all provisions in general orders or regulations can be enforced under Article 92(1). Regulations which only supply general guide-lines or advice for conducting military functions may not be enforceable under Article 92(1). (2) Violation of or failure to obey other lawful order. (a) Scope. Article 92(2) includes all other lawful orders which may be issued by a member of the armed forces, violations of which are not chargeable under Article 90, 91, or 92(1). It includes the violation of written regulations which are not general regulations. See also subparagraph (1)(e) above as applicable. b) Knowledge. In order to be guilty of this offense, a person must have had actual knowledge of the order or regulation. Knowledge of the order may be proved by circumstantial evidence. (c) Duty to obey order. (I) From a superior. A member of one armed force who is senior in rank to a member of another armed force is the superior of that member with authority to issue orders which that member has a duty to obey under the same circumstances as a commissioned officer of one armed force is the superior commissioned officer of a member of an-other armed force for the purposes of Articles 89, and 90. See paragraph 13c (1). (ii) From one not a superior. Failure to obey the lawful order of one not a superior is an offense under Article 92(2), provided the accused had a duty to obey the order, such as one issued by a sentinel or a member of the armed forces police. See paragraph 15b(2) , if the order was issued by a warrant, noncommissioned, or petty officer in the execution of office. The maximum punishment of article 92 is as follows. (1) Violation or failure to obey lawful general order or regulation. Dishonorable discharge, forfeiture of all pay and allowances, and confinement for 2 years. (2) Violation of failure to obey other lawful order. Bad-conduct discharge, forfeiture of all pay and allowances, and confinement for 6 months. Note: For (1) and (2), above, the punishment set forth does not apply in the following cases: if in the absence of the order or regulation which was violated or not obeyed the accused would on the same facts be subject to conviction for another specific offense for which a lesser punishment is prescribed; or if the violation or failure to obey is a breach of restraint imposed as a result of an order. In these instances, the maximum punishment is that specifically prescribed else wherefore that particular offense. (3) Dereliction in the performance of duties. (A) Through neglect or culpable inefficiency. Forfeiture of two-thirds pay per month for 3 months and confinement for 3 months. (B) Willful. Bad-conduct discharge, forfeiture of all pay and allowances, and confinement for 6 months. In knowing this I will be sure not to repeat this incident I feel the biggest problem is myself I am still trying to adapt to the army life and it is getting a little easier as the days go by I really don’t like being the jacked up soldier and I plan on changing and I plan on doing what I am told when I’m told so I can avoid getting caught up in something I cant get out of the only way I want out of the army is either with a honorable discharge or to do my time I understand that I signed a contract and raised my right hand and made an oath to my country to protect and serve no matter what the cost so I will do so by obeying all of the article to the best of my ability. I wish to pursue my Army career to the maximum amount of time possible. I hope to do at least 20 years time in service but I will most likely stay in longer. This job makes me feel proud and I really do not want to lose it. Now that I have gotten into trouble I fully understand the severity of obeying an order from the higher ups I will do my best not to get myself into this predicament again because I would rather not lose what little rank I do have I can not afford to lose that because I am struggling now trying to help my father with his financial situation and if I was to lose that I’m not sure what I would do to make up that money that I would be losing as of right now E-2 base pay is 1458. 90 and E-1 pay is 1209. 0 that is a huge difference in pay that is more than a 200 dollar difference that I defiantly can not afford to lose so I will be sure to straighten out my act so I do not lose that money this will conclude my 2000 word essay. â€Å"1 1. Anyomous (thou still a private i believe); http://www. allfreeessays. com/essays/Essay-Importan ce-Obeying-Lawful-Order-Nco/2492. html And I and this particular private are not the only ones. Every day we stupid, ignorant, and down right dumb privates think it is ok to, in some way disobey a non commissioned officer or another superior officer. But more often then not we are caught and punished, such as a series of long and difficult exercises or worse, being subject to Uniform Code of Military Justice and the harmful articles it entails.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Subject Specific Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Subject Specific Study - Essay Example ICT encompasses a wide variety of audio-visual resources and â€Å"combinations of hardware, software and human resources that enable users to achieve more than they could with hardware and software alone, such as the Internet† (Kennewell, 2004, p. 5). These technologies have created new opportunities for students to interact among themselves, with their faculty and with course content inside and outside the classroom. The associated changes in the way in which knowledge is produced and used are of key relevance to education in the twenty-first century (Gibbons, 1998). Academia has to find ways to maximise the benefits offered by the new technologies. The term blended learning is used to describe a solution that combines different delivery methods. These can be a mix of various event-based activities such as face to face classrooms and online learning (Williams, 2002). However, this does not appear to define blended learning which should be viewed as an opportunity to revisit how courses are developed, scheduled and delivered through a balance of physical and virtual (internet and ICT) instructions, â€Å"bricks and clicks† (Bleed, 2001). Blended courses combine the traditional presentational format and computer based learning opportunities, enabling teachers to employ a variety of instructional techniques. ICT can be used to selectively present case studies, tutorials, self-testing exercises, simulations or other online modules in place of lecture material. As a result, the focus shifts to active learning through discussion and debate. This form of active learning â€Å"involves putting our students in situations which c ompel them to read, speak, listen, think deeply, and write† (Dodge, 2001, p6). Theories and principles of learning need not be bent to incorporate the effective use of ICT to supplement classroom practice; blending the use of technology into

Friday, September 27, 2019

Db2 program capstone Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Db2 program capstone - Research Paper Example Control and monitoring is a key aspect of Toyota’s success (Toyota, 2014). To improve the overall performance of the firm, workers are controlled through clear policies and procedures. Line managers explain the operations at the firm, and show how specific job roles have to be performed. At a broader perspective, this results in compliance to specific standards across the firm, which is essential for Toyota given it is operating in the automobile industry. The brand name Products from Toyota are associated with safety and quality as strict monitoring and control procedures are in place. Making decisions is a difficult as well as an essential task for managers. To assess if a managerial decision is good the decision must first be methodologically tested against solutions known to yield good results. Gaps and blind spots if any have to be identified related to the decision made. The logical structure of the decision should be analysed to investigate if the decision is well founded and will yield consistent results. Most managerial decisions are based on underlying assumptions. Managers assume the role key individuals will play in tandem with the decision being made, the environment under which decision will be applied, and the speed of execution of the decision. For instance, in the case of Toyota a manager in the production line asked to increase the rate of production will assume they have the required physical and technical resources to do so before undertaking a strategic decision. To test and conform the credibility of assumptions for case 1 the trend of price i ncrease or decrease of fuel must be statistically analysed. For case 2 the GDP of the country where the airline operates, the local economic profile, the demographic profile of potential customers and competitor analysis will be useful in the decision making process (Towler & Keast,

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Empire Building in Africa Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Empire Building in Africa - Research Paper Example Many of the European Nations developed an interest in Africa due to various reasons. First, in the wake of industrial revolution, these nations realized that they required extra raw materials to use in their newly established industries. In addition, these European nations required new markets for their manufactured goods, which stirred up competition for Africa. Due to this, many European nations or colonial powers confiscated large segments of Africa and established empires (, 2008). In addition to need for markets and raw materials, the European nations also wanted to acquire power and reputation. In this regard, these nations competed for a larger control of Africa. The nations thought that they would be more powerful and would have more reputation if they control and rule over a large territory. The combination of these factors led for the scramble for Africa and eventually the establishment of colonial rule in the continent (Lloyd, 2009). Before the 19th century, the whole world regarded Africa as the Dark Continent. This is because a part from the inhabitants of Africa, the rest of the world did not know anything concerning this continent. The first contact between the Europeans and Africans was through trade, which gradually begun between the Europeans and African traders in the coast of Africa. Conversely, since this trade occurred at the coast, the Europeans were interested with the interior of Africa, and some started to explore this continent in the early 19th century. The first European explorers in Africa were the missionaries who had the sole purpose of spreading the gospel to Africans as well as to eliminate slave trade. These missionaries deemed that slave trade was poisonous and had negative consequences to most African poor (Nosotro, 2010). As the Europeans endeavored to explore Africa’s interior, they encountered a problem. They could not travel in to the interior in large numbers due to inconveniences

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Sinusitis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Sinusitis - Essay Example Thus, there is the abnormal production of B and T cells, and IgG deficiency is triggered by a defect of B cells. IgG deficiency can occur in two forms that are selective and specific. In most cases, the B cells are low in selective antibody deficiency. Likewise, the T cells are also inadequate. The T cells help in B cell immunoglobulin synthesis. Thus, selective IgG deficiency is accompanied by isolated IgG deficiency with normal levels of IgA, IgM, IgD, and IgE. In specific IgG deficiency, there is evidence of inadequate levels of other immunoglobulin isotypes. Both types of IgG deficiency result to respiratory infections. For instance sinus, ear, pneumonia, and bronchitis infections. In this case the patient is diagnosed with a combined T and B cell immunodeficiency (Lang, 2009. This individual is suffering from IgG2 due to the developing illnesses sinus (Porth, 2011). In addition, the antibodies against polysaccharide antigens and carbohydrates belong to IgG2 category. On the othe r hand, antibodies against protein antigens are categorized in IgG1 and IgG3 groups. The IgG immunoglobulins are categorized in four groups founded on the function and structure. It is classified from IgG1 to IgG4. In most cases, about 70% fit in the IgG1 and 20% belong to IgG2 groups. Antibodies that are opposed to protein antigens fit in IgG1 and IgG3 groups. There is another class of antibodies that are opposed to polysaccharide and carbohydrates antigens that belong to IgG2 group. Patients with IgG2 deficiency are at high risk of suffering from pneumonia, otitis media, and sinusitis. These illnesses are triggered by microorganisms known as polysaccharide-encapsulated. The microorganisms include N. meningitides, H. influenza type b, and pneumonia. In some cases, the patients are healthy, and others are asymptomatic in presence of the IgG

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

If I Were President Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

If I Were President - Essay Example For instance, providing affordable insurance covers is a way of enabling accessibility to medical care. This is because all citizens are free to seek medical attention whenever the need arises. I would also strengthen security operations within the country to attract foreign investors and boost the confidence of the citizens in undertaking their endeavors without fear. As a president, I would improve development and recreational facilities in order to develop productive workers. Training helps in the preparation of workers who contribute to the economic growth of a country. Similarly, recreational activities make people healthy and active in building the nation. Sports activities are also foreign relations tools since they bring together players and supporters from other countries. Fostering international association facilitates trading activities that develop economies and improving citizens’ living standards. Presidents who engage the citizens in decision-making get the chance to understand the people’s requirements and development strategies. Considering the above, if I were the president, I would concentrate on aspects that enable the citizens to participate in nation building. I would give more youths the chance to explore their skills by enacting policies that relate to their affairs and job creation. This minimizes the depende nce on social welfare benefits, which breeds laziness and criminal

Monday, September 23, 2019

Digital Forensics in the Criminal Justice System Essay - 4

Digital Forensics in the Criminal Justice System - Essay Example The paper looks at the work area with the discussion of the digital and non-digital items in Mr. Yourprop’s former Company work area. For the company to achieve its objectives, the work area items should support the working condition of the workers in the company. Before searching for Mr. Yourprop’s former Company work area, the searcher should first get the authority to enter into the premises. The searcher should first seek the permission of the owner of the company. This allows the owner to have the full confidence of the person who is searching the company. During the documentation of the authority, the researcher should ensure that he/she has created trust in the mind of the owner. He/she should show evidence of authentication and certificate for searching. He/she show a permit of search from a registered company by law or an authority letter from a government agency. Having all this is one of the means of getting trust from the company on search. The letter should be signed and stamped by a person in authority showing authentic measures (McNurlin, Sprague & Bui, 1989). On the side of the company being searched, the officials there or the CEO should accept the request for being searched. The CEO should consider search after finding that the searcher is authorized from a recognised office. He/she should sign the letter and keep a photocopy or a scanned copy of the letter. In the photo of Mr. Yourprop’s work area, there are three main digital items evidence. These are; Desktop and Laptop, Digital Voice Recorder and USB flash disk. In the laptop and the desktop, the memory storage may hold a lot of information. The information could be ranging from financial information, human information, accounts, quality and standard with other more information. This information help the search work of search. The Second item is the voice recorder. The voice recorder will help to get any voice recorded in a meeting or the office. Lastly, the USB flash disk also

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Outsourcing or Exporting America Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Outsourcing or Exporting America - Essay Example The continued heated debate on outsourcing’s pros and cons have affected one of the pillars of American journalism, a CNN host and anchor, Lou Dobbs, on his strong contention that America has been embarking on selling jobs to other countries at the detriment of the American people. In an article written by Dobbs entitled â€Å"Exporting America: false choices† published in the CNNMoney on the 10th of March 2004, he openly countered the criticisms allegedly directed at him by his colleagues in the media industry. Several known and prominent journalists and media men were revealed to attack Dobbs’ views on exporting American jobs: â€Å"Gerard Baker of the Financial Times, An editorial in the Economist magazine, Daniel Henninger of the Wall Street Journal, and Washington Post columnist James Glassman† (Dobbs pars. 1-4). The detractors argued that Dobbs views that â€Å"outsourcing American jobs is neither sound, smart, humane nor in the national interestâ⠂¬  were preposterous, absurd, extremely protectionist and highly sensationalist. In support of Dobbs arguments, the most viable and credible contentions were the information that acknowledged the continued reflection of trade deficits in the country for more than three decades, actually, starting in 1980 (Crooks). This fact, in conjunction with information provided by Torrance who reviewed the ill-effects of outsourcing, to wit: â€Å"income levels are frozen and cannot compete with inflation. Workers lose leverage to negotiate fair wage increases or promotion. Foreign employment policies, such as minimum wage, and working conditions differ. Businesses who are outsourcing can set a minimum wage in developing countries that would never be accepted as a minimum wage in America† (Torrance par. 6). At the same token, Davidson, a guest columnist for News, wrote in an article entitled â€Å"The outsourcing of America’s jobs†, one year before Dobbs†™ article was published, that the controversial nature of outsourcing jobs has been eminent and his citing another written discourse revealed that: â€Å"In an article that appeared in the August 1, 2003 edition of the Kansas City Star, Shashank Bengali suggested that the goal of a growing number of American companies is to outsource customer-service work to India, as a result of India’s low wages, thriving high-tech sector and annual output of two million English-speaking college graduates. A study by Forrester Research, a technology consulting group, estimates that 3.3 million white-collar service jobs will be outsourced to places like China, Russia and the Philippines—but more than half will go to India† (Davidson par. 7). The U.S. Census Bureau has divulged statistics that reveal continued greater imports of the U.S. of Indian goods, as compared to exports of American goods, which could be traced consistently with the outsourcing data abovementioned (U.S. Census Bureau). More alarming are the statistics cited by Otterman in her discourse that indicates the following facts: â€Å"Boston-based consultancy Forrester estimates that 400,000 service jobs have been lost to offshoring since 2000, with jobs leaving at a rate of 12,000 to 15,000 per month†¦By 2015, Forrester predicts, roughly 3.3 million service jobs will have moved offshore, including 1.7 million "back office" jobs such as payroll processing and accounting, and 473,000 jobs in

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Islamic Art and Architecture; Influence and Effects Essay Example for Free

Islamic Art and Architecture; Influence and Effects Essay Introduction During the reign of the Ottomans, Safavids, and Mughal rulers, architecture and art took on more meaning than it had in the past. The types of architecture and manuscript writing have had both symbolic significance and influence on the people of these empires. The architecture can be said to have had the greatest impact on the presence of power and devotion to Islamic arts of all of the empires, while manuscripts were held privately until trends influenced their spread over greater distances and people. The Ottomans, in their quest to expand their lands and influence, conquered Constantinople in 1453, which sparked a major period of construction in the new capital of the Ottoman Empire. This large building initiative took place in order to encourage a repopulating of Istanbul, as well as the revitalization of the economy in this declining city. The buildings and complexes the Ottomans built shed an interesting light on their concerns and ideals. For example, while the complexes were mainly built as places of worship, they took on other roles, such as, centers for education, commerce, and hospital care. One complex is clear in its intentions to the public, as can be seen by the endowment deed, which read â€Å" to elevate matters of religion and religious sciences in order to strengthen the mechanisms of worldly sovereignty and to reach happiness in the afterworld†, (Bloom Blair, 298). This combination of buildings in a complex format drew people from the old capital and cities of the empire, and generated revenue that amassed into fortunes for the rulers of the Ottoman Empire. The Ottomans, however, were not the only empire to enjoy great wealth and displays of that wealth. The Mughals, who descended from the same Turkish conquerors as the Ottomans, also enjoyed prosperity from great building projects. The architecture of the Mughals was able to change with great regularity during its time, due to the constant movement of the central government. The Mughals also benefited from a blend of styles and influences to create their palaces. The most famous example of Mughal architecture was the Taj Mahal, which was built in the memory of a deceased favorite wife. In the building of temples and tombs in Mughal history, it is quite common to find them built as reminders to the community of saints, heroes, or loved ones. It was  also common to find that they lacked as muc h fine detail as their neighbors to the west, but brought new styles to the architecture derived from the rich traditions of the people of India. Unlike the Ottomans and The Mughal, the Safavids were derived from the family lineage of Mohammed the prophet. Despite this difference, the Safavids built great temples and complexes for similar reasons. The Safavids built great complexes, and like the Ottomans, they moved their capital to a centralized location in order to centralize power, and increase commerce. The Safavids also shared another trait in building with the Ottomans. They both had a strong emphasis on education, and liked to keep a watchful eye over it. For this reason, religious complexes often included the highest forms of education for both the government and the religion of Islam. Though in competition for much of their histories, the Ottomans and Safavids adhered to many of the same architectural styles, with one major difference. Due to their difference in branches of Islam, the Safavids, unlike their Sunni neighbors the Ottomans, had little problem with diverging from traditional customs of avoiding the use of depictions of animals and people in their design. This proved to enhance the appearance of the buildings, but also give them a unique place in the history of Islamic buildings. Manuscripts, on the other hand, have a very different history than do the magnificent buildings of the Islamic world. In the Ottoman Empire, as was true of most of the Muslim world, the Koran was the most copied manuscript. Copies of the Koran were reproduced with astonishing art, but were usually given as gifts to other rulers. In this system, the common person was excluded from viewing the finest manuscripts. Common manuscripts were produced by artisans, but lacked the high quality of that of the royal courts. The Ottomans also used their talents to reproduce manuscripts that depicted great rulers and events in history, as well as topography paintings that displayed the prominence of conquest in the Ottomans daily life. Ottoman manuscripts were not as popular or unique as the ones created by the Safavids or Mughals, but they did posses superiority in the ar t of calligraphy. Manuscripts from the Safavid and Mughal empires possessed greater detail in art, but most of the calligraphers were not as skilled as those of the Ottoman Empire. Despite this lack of good calligraphy, the Safavids and Mughals were more skilled in art and design. Like the Ottomans, the Mughals and Safavid empires copied  the Koran at a high rate, but only the best works of art were given away as gifts. This lack of quality reproductions, which included not only writing, but also painting, led to the decline of the bound book. This decline led to the development of an industry of artisans creating single manuscripts. These manuscripts allowed for both artistic differences that were hard to avoid in large manuscripts, and it allowed more people to posses art. They were collected into books, but they had a greater impact on both the people of the Muslim world and the Europeans, who were exploring the area heavily in search of people to colonize. The arrival of the Europeans also led to a decline in the production of small manuscripts, due to the fact that the printing press and mass production of books were arriving in Europe. Conclusion Islamic art and architecture both had more than one use in Islamic life. The architecture reminded the people of saints, great rulers, martyrs, or beloved figures, as well as serving as a center for religion, education, commerce, and medicine. The art of the Islamic world was originally used to tell of battles, heroes, and most popularly recreate the Koran. Art also allowed for the growth of writing, painting, and the distribution of ideas over greater distances than the spoken word. Both Islamic art and architecture still hold as reminders to Muslims and the world that great rulers, conquerors, and artists have made a lasting impact on the region and its culture.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Causes

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Causes Herla Dorvil Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is one of many public health issues America faces. It is among the leading causes of death in the United States. It is affects more Americans just as any other disease. People with COPD are impacted where it can affect daily living. Due to the destruction of the alveoli in lungs, more individuals are requiring hospitalization frequently. Many people are diagnosed with COPD each year. COPD is a group of chronic pulmonary diseases such as chronic bronchitis and emphysema that impair air flow to the lungs causing difficulty in breathing. According to (Chen et al., 2013), the World Health Organization has reported approximately 5/100 deaths worldwide due to COPD. Although COPD is a huge issue in public health, still many are unaware of the risk factors, target population it affects and the impact this creates in someones life. There are many ways that people can develop COPD. COPD occurs mostly in current or former smokers. Cigarette smoking and long-term exposures irritates and damage the lungs. â€Å"Cigarette smoke causes progressive destruction of the lung tissue, resulting in irreversible narrowing and scarring of the airways and loss of the alveolar interface where gas exchange takes place.† (Barnes et al., 2011, p. 612) Environmental factors such as air pollution, dust particles, and chemicals are also detrimental to one getting COPD. People who work around chemicals for a long time are at risk to damaging their lungs. The chemicals that are inhaled from the work environment and air pollution causes serious affects to the lungs. Breathing in secondhand smoke also poses a risk because they are around it all the time. People are most likely to develop COPD after being around family members who smoke or have a history of smoking. Another factor is the heredity of alpha one antitrypsin deficiency . An absence of alpha one antitrypsin increases your risk for lung disease. The lungs are protected by this protein and it is produced in the liver. It protects the body from unwanted effects from other proteins that cause harm to different organs of the body (Cox, 2011). Some patients that have asthma are usually categorized under chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases. It affects the lungs by narrowing the airways and making it hard for one to breathe and usually have to take maintenance drugs if necessary. Common symptoms that are seen with COPD are chronic cough, increase in sputum production, chest tightness, wheezing, and shortness of breath. People with COPD usually have exacerbations, which is when their condition becomes worst over time. COPD is more common in older age groups and is said to be prevalent in women. People who get COPD are usually 18 years and older. Sometimes individuals are unaware that they have COPD until later in life after it progresses and they start developing symptoms. Studies say that women are twice as likely as men to get COPD. Although COPD affects all ages and mostly older age, the prevalence is high among adults less than 65 years old (Barnes et al., 2011). Due to under diagnosis the amount of people who have COPD may be higher. Many people don’t go to get regular check-ups and don’t have the money to do so, therefore they go a long time without noticing symptoms and end up finding out when it exacerbates. COPD is a chronic progressive disease that affects the pulmonary system creating a huge burden on ones life depending on the severity. Some patients with COPD experience weight loss skeletal muscle dysfunction and it makes it difficult to perform daily living activities as well as physical activities. The disease can cause one to experience shortness of breath with any type of movement. Kulich, Molen, Polkey, Rabinovich, Troosters, Vogiatzis (2013) emphasizes that the lack of physical activity contributes to the progression of the disease and creating poor outcomes. It is marked as reasons for mortality in hospitalized stations for many individuals. When physical activity is increased, it produces better outcomes for the patient. As the disease progresses individuals are frequently hospitalized, thus creating increased debt and healthcare expenditures. According to Chen et al. (2013), the average amount of medical expenses for a COPD patient is estimated at $27,656 per year, which i s four times higher than the average cost for patients without the disease. The individual has to constantly buy medication and it also creates problems at home where it interferes with their economic stability. It causes one to become unstable and unable to pay their bills and incompetent to take care of their selves which then leads them into depression. â€Å"In individuals with COPD, depression is significantly associated with decreased functional status; impair quality of life and disease progression and mortality.† (Das, Negi, Pandey , Raval, Sarkar, 2014 p.403) Due to the clinical depression, patients may not be in compliance with their management programs such as taking their medications, attending smoking cessation programs and pulmonary rehabilitation. By not taking these measures it leads to poor clinical outcomes and patients tend to relapse. COPD Individuals with depression cause higher financial problems for themselves. Das et al (2014) also showed that the occ upational status of a person showed an association with the presence of depression which develop into mood disorders. Not only is there an economic burden and depression, it also triggers other illnesses that will generate further complications (Chen et al., 2013). Some people later get peripheral artery disease, stroke and lung cancer. The impact of COPD can causes people to completely stop working because of the severity and the complications it produces. An understanding of the chronic disease complexity can help improve the quality of life for those individuals living with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Recognizing the impact of COPD may help the population to better identify, to get proper treatment and to reduce severity and exacerbations. The population of young, older men and women has to be educated and be made aware of the risk factors and importance of preventing the disease progress for a better and an improvement in life expectancy. References Chen, P., Livneh, H., Lu, M., Sung, F., Tsai, T. (2013). Increase risk and related factors of depression  among patients with COPD: A population-based cohort study. BMC Public Health, 13. doi: 10.11.1186/1471-2458-13-976 Coz, L.A. (2011). A casual model of obstruction pulmonary disease risk. Risk Analysis, 31(1), 38-62. doi:  10.1111/j.1539-6924.2010.01487 Barnes, N., Buist, S., Fishwick, J., Fletcher, M., Hutton, J., Jones, P., Walsh, J. (2011). COPD uncovered:  an international survey on the impact of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease on a working population. BMC Public Health, 11(1). doi: 612.62410.1186/1471-2458-11-612 Das, P., Negi, H., Pandey, K., Raval, A., Sakar, M. (2014). Presence of depression and its risk factors in  patients with chronic obstruction pulmonary disease. The Indian Journal of Medical Research, 139(3), 402-408. Retrieved from Kulich, K., Molen, T., Polkey, M., Rabinovich, R., Troosters, T., Vogiatzis, I. (2013). Improving physical  activity in COPD: Towards a new paradigm. Respiratory Research, 14(1),115. doi:10.1186/1465-9921-14-115

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Attending a Speech by Ira Berlin on Slavery -- Slavery Race

â€Å"Rethinking Slavery† – A Retrospect I recently attended the lecture of renowned historian Ira Berlin. Professor Berlin is a Distinguished University Professor at the University of Maryland. He has also been the recipient of many awards and acknowledgements over the last decade. In 2002, President Clinton appointed Professor Berlin to the advisory committee of the National Endowment for the Humanities. Professor Berlin was visiting the campus as a result of his recent appointment as a Mellon Distinguished Senior Fellow for the spring semester at the University of Illinois. He hosted an invitation-only conference at the Illini Union entitled â€Å"Transforming Slavery† on the day following his lecture. Usually when I am on my way to see a lecture, I am not exactly â€Å"anxious† to get there. I was, however, anticipating Professor Berlin’s lecture very much. I had a strong feeling that Professor Berlin was very well established and respected in his field. However, I became disappointed before the lecture even began. According to various sources I had seen around the University, Professor Berlin’s lecture was supposed to begin at 2:30. My plan was to have a conference at 12:30 with Professor Rogers, eat some lunch, and then head to the lecture at about 2:15. Luckily for me, during my 2 conference, I was informed that the lecture began at 3:30. After returning to my dorm, I researched the sources again. I found two sources that had the starting time of the lecture as 2:30, and two sources that had the starting time of the lecture as 3:30. So, needless to say, I was confused. ... ...of the audience to Professor Berlin’s lecture, I can only say that the reaction was mixed. I noticed that the scholars and professors on hand were captivated by Berlin’s presence and were very attentive. I even noticed that a professor in front of me literally tried to write every word Berlin spoke. As for the attitude of the rest in attendance, it was rather dull. It seemed that there were some people that seemed moderately interested in the speech, while others teetered on slumber. I must admit that I was one of the latter (even dosing off occasionally). It just seemed that, overall, the audience, I included, was slightly disappointed in the content and context of Professor Berlin’s lecture. Although there was a definite feeling that Professor Berlin was a very honored person, he failed to captivate most the audience, which was disappointing to say the least.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Educational Goals and Philosophy :: Education Teaching Careers Essays

Educational Goals and Philosophy In this day in age, opposing views and philosophies are emerging in the public school systems quicker that we can really develop a thorough understand and sound, sturdy opinion of them. As an educator, I believe it is important to be supportive and open-minded for the students. My concern is not only for the students’ education, but also their personal well being and emotions. Every student is raised differently, with beliefs and morals that may oppose the beliefs of their fellow students and teachers, as well as other members of their community. These students should not feel segregated or suffer from the harsh words and acts of others that may disagree with their views. My job is to secure the feelings of each student and to help them realize that this is one of life’s lessons and that they should face the world with an open mind and warm heart. These ideas represent my own personal beliefs. After reviewing the several different philosophies discussed in my education class, I have come to realize that I do not believe in one particular philosophy. I agree with several aspects of each of the different philosophies that are prominent in our nation’s schools. My classroom is going to be a positive learning environment and a comfortable, welcoming setting for all of my students. To be a great teacher, I need to be able to understand where my students are coming from when they express their concerns or show signs of confusion, pain, or any other behaviors that do not correspond with their personality. I want to know my students on an individual basis where I can have a loving, caring, understanding and open relationship with them and still gain their respect for me as an educator. The teachers that remain in my memory the most where the ones that thoroughly taught their lessons and strived to help each individual student understand the material and work to their fullest potential. These teachers were also the ones who expressed the most care and love for their students. They worked to develop a strong bond with each individual student so that they may feel secure and comfortable in their classroom, knowing that if they ever needed any help or support, their teacher was always the one they could turn to for guidance.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Character of Cassio in Shakespeares Othello :: GCSE English Literature Coursework

The Character of Cassio in Othello Cassio is a an expert in strategic procedures and Othello is a Moor general in charge of the Venetian army. Cassio works by Othello's side as the army's lieutenant. Cassio though very useful in the army's duties was a simple-minded man, unconscious of his surroundings and his actions. He told Iago, "I have very poor and unhappy brains for drinking. I could well wish courtesy would invent some other custom of entertainment." Yet, shortly after this statement Cassio finds himself in a state in which he is so drunk he ends up fighting with a Cyprus official. Their naive ways lead them through a storm, it swept away Othello as Iago stood and watched. Othello was an honored and trusted general. His character reflected the honor and respect that was given to him. In scene one Barbantio and Othello confront each other about the couple's love and marriage. Even as her own father's trust grew distant Othello stood faithful as he told Barbantio, "My life upon her faith!" Even though Othello trusted his wife he began to suspect her faithfulness, as Othello's confidant Iago poisoned his mind with thoughts of infidelity. Othello's character reminds me of Edmond Dantes. There seems to be a similarity in the sense that, Edmond's mind was pure and innocent, he didn't even suspect his own companions of betraying him. Edmond's mind continued free of cruel intentions until his mind's capacity began to expand and he soon learned who his real enemies were. Edmond's character changed. His entire life was altered with the help of his mentor. Othello didn't have the assistance of a teacher but he had the assistance of Iago. Trust was the key to their downfalls. Othello trusted without protection. When he trusted someone he depended fully on that individual and committed his life to the faithfulness of that person. He wore no armor against the dishonesty of the cruel and knew how to fight only in the physical realm. "I know Iago thy honesty and love doth mince this matter..."When the revelation came upon Edmond's life he sought out revenge. In the same manner Othello's heart and mind was purely focused on his wi fe, Desdemona. When the poison in his mind began to settle, Othello's trust for Desdemona grew distant and his innocence began to fade. "For I know thou art' full of love and honesty and weigh'st thy words before thou gives't them breath.

Monday, September 16, 2019

High School Finance Teacher

Accrual vs. Cash Basis Accounting Alicia Wiley Grantham University Abstract In this paper I have defined accrual and cash basis accounting. Also, I have answered the following questions: Explain the difference between the accrual basis of accounting and the cash basis of accounting. What are the major reasons for using accrual accounting? What are the purpose of a journal and a ledger? Give an example of a contra-asset, and explain how it is recorded on the ledger as a transaction. Explain what a â€Å"prepaid expense† is and how it is recorded on the ledger as a transaction.What are the major differences in recording transactions for a for-profit organization versus a not-for-profit, or are there any? List and record each transaction for S. Zee Outpatient Clinic under the accrual basis of accounting at December 31, 20X1, then develop a balance sheet as of December 31, 20X1, and a statement of operations for the year ended December 31, 20X1. How do capital structure rations an d liquidity rations differ in providing insight into an organization’s ability to pay debt obligations?Identify and explain two situations where an organization might have increasing activity rations but declining profitability. Explain the difference between the accrual basis of accounting and the cash basis of accounting. What are the major reasons for using accrual accounting? Cash accounting and accrual accounting are two similar methods of maintaining accurate accounting records. While the two approaches share many aspects in common, there are two key differences that distinguish each method from the other.Essentially, the difference between cash accounting and accrual accounting boils down to the way debits and credits are applied in the bookkeeping process. To understand the difference, it is first necessary to define each type of accounting process. Cash accounting, which is also known as cash basis accounting, allows for the recognition of income at the time it is ac tually received. This means that invoiced income is not counted as an asset until payment for the invoice is actually in hand. The same approach is applied to debits, in that any expenses incurred are not osted until they are paid. In contrast, accrual accounting does recognize income at the time it is earned. As goods or services are invoiced, the invoices are posted and counted as assets. They remain in this state until the face value of the invoice is credited for some reason. In like manner, any expenses are also posted at the time they are incurred or an invoice for those expenses is received, and remains open until the expenses are paid. Most mid-level and large businesses today tend to rely on the use of the accrual method rather than cash accounting.Doing so allows a business to determine at a glance how much cash is in hand, how much is currently pending in outstanding invoices, and what current expenses are awaiting payment. What are the purpose of a journal and a ledger? The purpose of the general ledger is to record all financial transactions for a company or person and total them on a net basis (plus accounts less minus accounts) for a certain time frame according to a summary chart of accounts. The general ledger provides the important information necessary for the preparation of all basic reports required by a company or individual.For example, the general ledger will allow the preparation of balance sheet reports and profit and loss reports for all accounting periods under review. This helps to explain why the general ledger is so important. Journal is used to record transactions in chronological order Give an example of a contra-asset, and explain how it is recorded on the ledger as a transaction? Contra-asset is an asset which, when increased, decreases the value of a related asset on the books. An example of a contra-asset is the Allowance for Doubtful Accounts, which is the contra asset to Accounts Receivable.Contra-asset would be recorded on the balance of the debit matched up against the contra-asset credit. Explain what a â€Å"prepaid expense† is and how it is recorded on the ledger as a transaction? A prepaid expense, such as rent or insurance, is a type of current asset. It is recorded by decreasing Cash and increasing the prepaid amount by the same amount. Thus, the transaction only occurs in the Asset section of the Balance Sheet, and it is a zero-sum transaction. What are the major differences in recording transactions for a for-profit organization versus a not-for-profit, or are there any?For-profit organization would record certain transactions under Owner’s Equity, whereas the Not-for-Profit would use Net Assets. Also, a for-profit would not show restrictions on Owners’ Equity. List and record each transaction for S. Zee Outpatient Clinic under the accrual basis of accounting at December 31, 20X1, then develop a balance sheet as of December 31, 20X1, and a statement of operations for t he year ended December 31, 20X1. Journal Entries | | | | | | a | Cash | | 3,000,000. 00 | | | Unrestricted Contribution | | | 3,000,000. 00 | | | | | | | Equipment | | 2,000,000. 00 | | | Cash | | | 2,000,000. 00 | | | | | | c | Cash | | 1,000,000. 00 | | | Bank Loan | | | 1,000,000. 00 | | | | | | d | Supplies | | 1,500,000. 00 | | | Cash | | | 1,500,000. 00 | | | | | | e | Accounts Receivable | | 5,500,000. 00 | | | Service Revenue | | | 5,500,000. 00 | | | | | | f | Supplies Expense | | 1,000,000. 00 | | | Supplies | | | 1,000,000. 00 | | | | | | g | Cash | | 500,000. 00 | | | Unearned Service Revenue | | | 500,000. 00 | | | | | | h | Labor Expenses | | 2,000,000. 00 | | | Cash | | | 2,000,000. 00 | | | | | | | General Expenses | | 1,500,000. 00 | | | Cash | | | 1,500,000. 00 | | | | | | j | Cash | | 4,500,000. 00 | | | Accounts Receivable | | | 4,500,000. 00 | | | | | | k | Unearned Service Revenue | | 300,000. 00 | | | Service Revenue | | | 300,000. 00 | | | | | | l | Bank Loan | | 100,000. 00 | | | Cash | | | 100,000. 00 | | | | | | m | Interest Expense | | 50,000. 00 | | | Cash | | | 50,000. 00 | | | | | | n | Cash | | 100,000. 00 | | | Restricted Donation | | | 100,000. 00 | | | | | | o | Depreciation Expense | | 200,000. 00 | | | Accumulated Depreciation | | | 200,000. 0 | | | | | | p | Bad Debt Expense | | 500,000. 00 | | | Accounts Receivable | | | 500,000. 00 | | | | | | | OPERATIONS SUMMARY | | | | | | | Service Revenue | | | 5,800,000. 00 | | Less:Expenses | | | | | Supplies Expense | | 1,000,000. 00 | | | Labor Expenses | | 2,000,000. 00 | | | General Expenses | | 1,500,000. 00 | | | Interest Expense | | 50,000. 00 | | | Depreciation Expense | | 200,000. 00 | | | Bad Debt Expense | | 500,000. 00 | | | | | 5,250,000. 00 | 5,250,000. 00 | | | | | | | Net Income from Operations | | | 550,000. 00 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |BALANCE SHEET AS ON 31 Dec | | | | | | | Assets : | | | | | Cash | | 1,950,000. 00 | | | Equipment | | 2,000,000. 00 | | | Supplies | | 500,000. 00 | | | Accounts Receivable | | 500,000. 00 | | | | | | | | Total Assets | | 4,950,000. 00 | | | | | | | | Liabilities | | | | | | | | | | Un restricted Contribution | | 3,000,000. 00 | | | Restricted Contribution | | 100,000. 00 | | | Net Income | | 550,000. 00 | | | Unearned Service Revenue | | 200,000. 00 | | | Bank Loan | | 900,000. 00 | | | Accumulated Depreciation | | 200,000. 00 | | | | | | | | Total Liabilities | | 4,950,000. 0| | How do capital structure rations and liquidity rations differ in providing insight into an organization’s ability to pay debt obligations? Liquidity is a company’s ability to meet its maturing short-term obligations. Liquidity is important for conducting business activity especially in times of adversity such as when operating losses occur due to economic conditions or drastic price increases of raw materials or parts. Liquidity ratios show a company’s ability to generate sufficient cash to meet its obligations. Liquidity must be sufficient to cushion such losses.If not, serious financial difficulties may result. An indication of a company’s ability to meet short-term debt obligations; the higher the ratio, the more liquid the company is. Identify and explain two situations where an organization might have increasing activity rations but declining profitability. Activity rations help assess how effectively a company uses its assets. Reference Zelman, W. , McCue, M. , Millikan, A. , and Glick, N. 2009. Financial Management of Health Care Organizations: An Introduction to Fundamental Tools, Concepts, and Applications. 3e. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley & Sons.

Red Dog Film

How does Red Dog Use The Distinctively Visual to Present Unique Australian Ideas of Mateship?The film â€Å"Red Dog†, directed by Kriv Stenders, effectively uses the distinctly visual to present unique Australian ideas of mateship and the harshness of the Australian outback. It is though film techniques such as camera shots, sound, colour and lighting that creates the distinct images of the Australian identity.A number of different factors combined create this great film demonstrating the typical Australian values. These include the setting, the comedic script, nostalgic elements, the love story and the pure ‘Australianness’ of the story and its characters. The film highlights the harshness of the Australian outback as well as the natural beauty of the region that serves as a scenic background for the close friendship in rural, working communities. However it is more than just a scenic backdrop, it is a landscape that portrays issues of very real threat of isolati on, starvation and death in the vast dry rural landscape. In â€Å"Red Dog†, the danger of the outback is demonstrated by John Grant’s sudden death on the desert road.In the opening sequence of the film, aerial shots are used to establish the setting and show the vastness of the landscape and the harshness of the environment. Many sound effects of bees, flies and crickets are heard by the audience as Thomas walks to the bar, to indicate that the area around is a dry arid landscape.The film represents the hot, harsh Australian outback through the use of colour and lighting. In particular, the colour of the dust (rustic red or orange) is an iconic and distinctly Australian outback colour. It symbolises the relentless heat in the outback. The degree of intensity is the strong blocks of red that is established in this scene. The bright colours and lighting and high saturation (strong colours) shows how stark the environment or heat is as well as the brightness of the sun. The orange or red tinges highlight the heat. Throughout the whole film, these ‘warmer’ colours have been used to resemble Western Australia, one of the hottest, driest parts of Australia. The colours make the terrain look dry, hot, barren and somewhat isolated.In Red Dog’s death scene, long shots are used to let the audience view the Australian outback terrain. This part of the scene opens up with an extreme long shot, highlighting the isolation that exists in the Pilbara and emphasises the vastness of this land. The film effectively provides a realistic portrayal of the harsh Australian outback through distinctly visual techniques such as camera shots, sound, colour and lighting.The familiar Australian bush-story theme of mateship, loyalty and respect between man and dog, a traditional identity of Australian life, is conveyed in â€Å"Red Dog†. The director uses skilful camera and visual techniques to portray this stereotypical value of mateship. The dire ctor uses an anthropomorphic approach through the anthropomorphism in his representation of â€Å"Red Dog†.This can be seen when the character Jack begins to explain Red Dog to Thomas and states â€Å"It’s not what he did but who he was†. This has the effect of privileging Red Dog as equal to Jack and everyone else. This also gives Red Dog an identity. He is not just some dog that they all loved, he had developed a personality and the townspeople understood Red Dog. Red Dog is a mate of the townspeople.Red Dog is a story about mateship, especially in the isolation of this big harsh country. It is a story about a man and his dog, or a dog and his master, told through the lens of mateship. The Australian notion of mateship is highlighted when Joko suggests that they erect a statue to â€Å"somebody who lives and breathes desolation, somebody that has red dust stuck up their nose and in their eyes and in their ears and up their arses!Mates who are loyal by nature no design†¦ somebody that represents the Pilbara in all of us and I say that somebody, dammit, IS A DOG!† It is also depicted in the line â€Å"More than a man’s best friend. A mate to the entire community†. The unique Australian idea of mateship between dog and human is a key theme in Red Dog which is reflected using distinctively visual techniques.Unique Australian ideas of mateship and the harshness of the Australian outback are presented through the use of the distinctly visual in Stenders’s film â€Å"Red Dog†. The director captures these Australian identities by using skilful camera and visual techniques, creating a film shaped with meaning and life.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Physics Lab Report Cooling Coffee Essay

Introduction: It is Saturday afternoon. You brew yourself a cup of coffee and are just about to pour cold milk into the coffee. The doorbell rings and you realize immediately that your friend needs your help for a few minutes this afternoon. If you want to have your coffee as warm as possible after you helped your friend, what would be wise to do? Should you pour the milk now, or after you come back? Or does it make no difference? I would like to add the milk into coffee after I come back. Because the hot coffee without milk will cool longer than the warm coffee with milk. Aim: To find out the relationship between the time at which the milk is added, and the final temperature of the coffee/milk mixture. Every minute the coffee was getting cooler (milk was getting warmer until the room temperature), but when we added the milk into coffee it started to cool more faster. Variables: Independent: Dependent: the coffee/ milk temperature dependents of the room temperature. Controlled: To control variables we can change hot coffee/water and milk every minute, or put hot coffee/ water into thermos and milk into object that has same temperature. Hypothesis: My hypothesis is that will be better if we won’t add milk into coffee( because it has a cooling effect), so the coffee will be hoter if we won’t add milk into it. Apparatus: 1. 250 ml beaker 2. 50 ml beaker 3. 100 ml 4. 50 ml measuring cylinder 5. thermometer 6. kettle 7. water cooler 8. stop watch 9. stirring rod Thermometer Diagram: Thermometer Hot Coffee (200 ml) Cold Milk (50 ml) Method: 1) Take 2 test tubes 2) In the first test tube pour milk 3) In the second one pour hot coffee/hot water. 4) Put thermometers into both test tube. 5) Measure the temperature every minute. 6) Record the temperature. Data Collection: At the beginning of the experiment the temperature of the coffee/ hot water was 80.9, but the water started to cool and every minute the temperature was getting lower. 80.9| 79.9| 73.7| 71.7| 65.3| The milk was 19.8 and with every minute it was getting warmer. 19.8| 19.9| 20.1| 20.1| 20.1| So the milk and hot coffee had difference of 61.1 but after mixed together-54.5. Substance:| Temperature(c)as is| Temperature(c)after 1 min| Temperature(c)after 2 min| Temperature(c)After 3 min| Temperature(c)After 4 min| milk| 19.8| 19.9| 20.1| 20.1| 20.1| Hot water| 80.9| 79.9| 73.7| 71.7| 65.3| both mixed together| 53.1| 52.1| 51.0| 51.0| 50.3| Graph: Conclusion and Evaluation: Problems: We used only one metal rod, after hot water we put it into milk ( the rod was hot) and maybe it made a effect to results. Also we use only one thermometer in short time, after hot coffee we measured the temperature of the milk promptly, maybe this can changed results. To solve these problems we should use two metal rods and two thermometers. Make sure you read and follow the checklist!!!!! Design Design| Complete /2| Partial / 1| Not at all /0| Aspect 1 | Define problem and select variables| Formulates a research question and identifies the relevant variables.| Formulates a research question that is incomplete or identifies only some relevant variables.| Does not identify a research question AND does not identify any relevant variables.| Marking Checklist: Research Question (RQ) or Aim clearly stated| | RQ/Aim includes Independent Variable (IV)and Dependent Variable (DV)| | IV correctly identified with units/ range| | DV correctly identified with units| | Prediction is quantitative| | A sketch graph is included, with explanation| | Prediction is explained using scientific theory| | Design| Complete /2| Partial / 1| Not at all /0| Aspect 2 | Controlling variables| Designs a method for the effective control of the variables..| Designs a method that makes some attempt to control the variables.| Designs a method that does not control the variables.| Marking Checklist Method to manipulate IV, including specific details of range or increments| | Method for recording results, including units| | Diagram of equipment or experimental set-up | | Controlled variables presented as a table: * List all variables to be controlledFor each variable: | | How could it impact the results?| | Exactly how will it be controlled?| | Design| Complete /2| Partial / 1| Not at all /0| Aspect 3| Developing a method for the collection of data| Develops a method that allows for the collection of sufficient, relevant data| Develops a method that allows for the collection of insufficient, relevant data| Develops a method that does not allow for any relevant data to be collected| Marking Checklist: How will your results be presented?| | Does your plan address the research question?| | Do you have a minimum of 5 different values for the independent variable?| | Do you have sufficient repeats at each value to ensure reliability?| | Is your method clearly presented and can it be easily followed by others?| | Have you addressed safety?| | Data Collection and Processing DCP| Complete /2| Partial / 1| Not at all /0| Aspect 1| Recording raw data | Records appropriate data including units.| Records appropriate data but with some mistakes or omissions. | Does not record any appropriate raw data OR raw data is incomprehensible.| Marking Checklist: Raw data clearly distinguished from processed data (possibly separate table)| | Units of IV and DV present and correct| | All data are recorded correctly and honestly| | Decimal points consistent throughout| | Decimal points consistent with precision of the measuring equipment| | DCP| Complete /2| Partial / 1| Not at all /0| Aspect 2| Processing raw data | Processes the raw data correctly.| Processes raw data, but with some mistakes and/ or omissions.| No processing of raw data is carried out OR major mistakes are made in processing.| Marking Checklist Calculations to determine DV carried out, if necessary | | Calculations address RQ| | Mathematics correctly applied| | Worked example calculations given| | Processed data (and decimal places) consistent with precision of recorded data| | Data Collection and Processing| Complete /2| Partial / 1| Not at all /0| Aspect 3| Presenting processed data| Presents processed data appropriately| Presents processed data appropriately but with some mistakes or omissions| Presents processed data inappropriately or incomprehensibly| Marking Checklist: Does your graph have an informative title?| | Is it an appropriate size with suitable scales?| | Are the axes labeled with S.I./metric units?| | Are all the points accurately plotted?| | Does it have a suitable line of best fit?| | Conclusion and evaluation CE| Complete /2| Partial / 1| Not at all /0| Aspect 1| Concluding| States a conclusion, with justification, based on a reasonable interpretation of the data| States a conclusion based on a reasonable interpretation of the data| States no conclusion or the conclusion is based on an unreasonable interpretation of the data| Marking Checklist: Have you stated the patterns or trends in your data with reference to your graph?| | Have you offered a scientific explanation of your results?| | Comparisons, if appropriate, are made | | Data related to prediction or RQ – to what extent to they agree/ disagree?| | Appropriate language used â€Å"Supports my prediction† (not ‘proves’ or ‘is correct’)| | Suggestions for further investigation stated| | CE| Complete /2| Partial / 1| Not at all /0| Aspect 2| Evaluating procedures| Evaluates weaknesses and limitations.| Identifies some weaknesses and limitations, but the evaluation is weak or missing.| Identifies irrelevant weaknesses and limitations.| Marking Checklist: Analysis of reliability of results:| | Are data sufficient to address the RQ? | | Was the range of the IV appropriate?| | Identify & Explain anomalous data points| | Refer to data| | Some attempt to evaluate measurement/ instrument errors, systematic error problems with the method) in terms of:| | Possible effect on data| | The validity of the conclusion| | Time management or human error may be mentioned, though these are not scientific errors – they should be eliminated with good practical skills. The focus here should be on the investigation. List your errors and limitations in order; state the most significant error or limitation first! CE| Complete /2| Partial / 1| Not at all /0| Aspect 3| Improving the investigation| Suggests realistic improvements in respect of identified weaknesses and limitations.| Suggests only superficial improvements.| Suggests unrealistic improvements.| Marking Checklist: For each weakness or limitation mentioned above, how could improved experimental design remove or reduce the effect of the error in terms of:| | Techniques used to collect and record data| | Design of the investigation, including range of values chosen and repeats of each IV data point| | Realistic, specific and achievable improvements| |

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Ppt About Forbidden City Essay

1 Introduction The Forbidden City, also called the Palace Museum, which was the imperial palace during the Ming and Qing dynasties. The Forbidden City was built from 1406 to 1420 by the Yongle Emperor who was the third emperor of the Ming Dynasty. The English name of the Forbidden City is a translation of its Chinese name Zijin Cheng, which means that the Forbidden City is the residence of the emperor and his family, and no one could enter or leave the palace without the emperor’s approval. The Forbidden City is a rectangle 961 metres from north to south and 753 metres from east to west. Besides, it consists of 980 surviving buildings with 8,886 bays of rooms. It is obviously the largest palace around the world. As the home of 24 emperors, 12 of the Ming Dynasty, and 10 of the Qing Dynasty, the palace was the political centre of China for more than 500 years, and this is one of the reasons why we interested in this topic. In the following sections, we will introduce the Forbidden City’s three main halls, The Hall of Mental Cultivation, the famous emperors and the stories of the palace, famous music about the Forbidden City, online virtual Forbidden City, and the best time to travel. 2 Descriptions 2-1 The three main halls There are three halls stand on top of a three-tiered white marble terrace of the square of the palace. They contain the Hall of Supreme Harmony (Chinese: Ã¥ ¤ ªÃ¥â€™Å'æ ® ¿), the Hall of Central Harmony(Chinese: ä ¸ ­Ã¥â€™Å'æ ® ¿), and the Hall of Preserving Harmony (Chinese: ä ¿ Ã¥â€™Å'æ ® ¿). The Hall of Supreme Harmony is the largest and highest level hall of the Forbidden City. Every emperor’s coronation, birthday ceremony, wedding ceremony, and other important ceremonies or political affairs had taken place in this hall. The Hall of Central Harmony is a smaller and square hall, used by the Emperor to rehearse and rest before and during ceremonies. Behind the Hall of Central Harmony, the Hall of Preserving Harmony, it was used by the emperor to banquet the nobility on every Chinese Eve, or other important festivals. In Qing Dynasty, the emperor had taken the most important imperial examinations, Dian Shi (Chinese: æ ® ¿Ã¨ © ¦) in this hall. 2-2 The Hall of Mental Cultivation The reason why we introduce this hall separately is that the Hall of Mental Cultivation is a particularly significant building of the Forbidden City of Qing Dynasty since 1722. The Hall of Mental Cultivation is well-known for the Yongzheng Emperor, who was the 5th emperor of the Qing Dynasty, and son of the Kangxi Emperor. He ruled the Chinese Empire from 1722 to 1735. During his ruling time, the emperor lived in this hall. After his death, other emperors lived in this hall continually, thus the hall had been the actual dominate centre of the Chinese Empire from 1722 to 1911, the ruin of the Qing Dynasty.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Evidence based- practice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Evidence based- practice - Essay Example This is because it decreases uncertainties frequently experienced by patients and healthcare professionals in the contemporary complex healthcare system. RNs use proven techniques as well as interventions (evidence –based practices) in the delivery of patient care. The use of proven techniques and interventions is tested and confirmed and is based on the earlier research work and experiences with earlier patients (Mabbott 10). Therefore, the chances of recording failure in the use of evidence-based practice is close to minimal since the entire practice and processes had been proven to work in earlier experiments. Moreover, the use of evidence-based practice ensures improvement in patient outcomes thus better than the traditional practice. Since the use of evidence-based practice in the delivery of patient care is an already proven, its use helps in enhancing patient outcomes thereby ensuring success in patient treatment and handling (Mabbott 18). The RN can act as a facilitator of evidence-based nursing practice due to the vast knowledge and experience he or she gained from earlier research conducted on the techniques and interventions. Since the RN has gained critical skills and expertise and has knowledge on the values and preferences of patients, he or she can use the same in implementing evidence-based practice (Mabbott 21). This is possible since the RN understands the challenges experienced during the research process and, therefore, know ways of avoiding or reducing the challenges thereby ensuring success of the practice in healthcare systems. There are various the methods that can be used to overcome barriers to evidence-based practice. First, both the individuals and the systems need to make a commitment to advancing the evidenced based approach in addition to apportionment of resources required for the practice (Mabbott 25). Secondly, both basic as well as graduate nursing programs should commence teaching the value and

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Organizational Structure and Performance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Organizational Structure and Performance - Essay Example For any organizational structure to  succeed  towards  performance, it needs to  have  outstanding  leadership skills and strategies such as those depicted by Rossetti’s organizational leadership in the agency (Rainey and Thompson, 2006). Through exemplary leadership techniques, performance can be improved within an  agency  but  again  the  employment  of such techniques requires the  application  of appropriate organizational structures that are in accordance with the nature and missions of the agency. In his time at the IRS Rossetti applied various  leadership  techniques in implementing reforms and a new organizational structure to change the  face  of the  agency  and improve performance.  In this  paper  I  relate  how Rossetti integrated  the use  of his outstanding leadership strategies in implementation of the new organizational structure.  The manner of functioning of this new organizational structure and the  difference  from the  past  organizational structures and Rossetti’s strategies in ensuring the success of this organizational structure in the  agency  and improvement of performance in customer services  delivery  and dealing with complaints. ... He further enhanced communication within the structural levels of the  organization  upon taking the leadership role. He depicted  leadership  through being the first to leave his office door open throughout as a symbol of openness in communication. This  effective  communication strengthened the relationship among the different department of the organization and in the overall improving the performance. He  further  embraced participation and  partnership  both within the organization and with outsiders. He ensured this through the buildup of  activity  teams and groups within the employees to facilitate  aid  and decision making among the employees. He also made the decision to  bring  professional outsiders within the  organization  to  aid  in the running of the organization in  completion  of its mission. Throughout and after his employment period Rossetti became a legend in the IRS for his ability to  depict  keen  intellect and analytical abilities within the organizational structure. Through this, he became a staunch analyst in the management and running processes of the  organization  and later became referred to as â€Å"a  genius† and â€Å"management  genius† by his colleagues in the IRS. Upon the employment of Rossetti in the IRS, various structural and reforms changes authorized with his innovation and commitment to make the n  succeed  in spite many people’s  criticism  of his plans and  ability  to  ensue  change within the IRS.  Before his employment, the IRS was incorporating the use of a fragmented organizational structure. On his emergence into the IRS, Rossetti regarded this  use  of fragmented organizational structure as a

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Cultural Differences between U.S. and U.K Essay

Cultural Differences between U.S. and U.K - Essay Example Since the paper is written from the perspective of UK Citizen, it is important to first discuss the different characteristics of the country at hand, which is the US.US culture can be termed as a Western culture because the presence of the influence from European countries can be felt. Although initially it was very much like European cultures, it has developed into a separate one, in terms of different music, values, folktales, dialect etc. Initially the culture was also biased towards some races too. Today, however, the US culture has become more and more racially and ethnically diverse because of the presence of people from different regions across the globe. Some characteristics of the US culture are as follows. Although the US has no official language, a majority of the population (in around 30 states) is fluent in English. Other than English, there are more than 300 languages, out of which Spanish is the most famous, that are spoken either by the natives of US or the people who have migrated from different areas around the world. Although US, like UK, has essentially the same language, the dialects are very different in both countries. The English spoken in the US, more commonly known as the American English, is similar to the language spoken in the UK in many ways. But dealing with a language which is similar to one’s own and yet has different turns of phrase, unexpected meanings and unfamiliar nuances is a problem that is often experienced by British who have gone to America and also by many Americans working in Britain. (Doke, 2004) The dialect of UK English is quite firm while that of US English is more informal. Often, for a UK citizen, it is hard to guess what an American is saying because Americans seem to nibble through the words as they speak. Even if the dictionary section is compared, there is a huge amount of difference. Firstly, it seems that Americans make little use of the letter ‘U’ so when the British spell ‘labo ur,’ Americans spell ‘labor.’ The same goes for other words like colour, behaviour, programme, centre etc. There is also a difference in the meanings of different words or phrases that are spoken in everyday language in both countries. For instance, a ‘1st floor’ in the US might mean the ‘Ground Floor’ in Britain. Similarly a ‘fag’ in UK is a term used for cigarettes while in the US; the same word is used for a gay person! (US2UK) It is amazing how the meanings can differ in two dialects of the same language. Folktales Most of the folktales in the US are the result of a very rich mythology of the Native Americans. The folktales are not just simply

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

The Underground Railroad from Slavery to Freedom Essay

The Underground Railroad from Slavery to Freedom - Essay Example Seibert’ book presents a number of interesting people and unsung heroes before it readers. Among all of them, one person that particular catches the interest is Calvin Fairbank. Fairbank lived in an affluent family that was 'assigned' with two slaves. As these slaves did all the housework, once he got the opportunity to listen to the slave-woman's tale of sorrow, which kindled anger in Fairbank. Once when he was in charge of a raft of lumber, he saw a woodsman who was going to be a slave very soon. Fairbank took him on the raft and helped him. Along with o an old slave woman with 7 children, he helped this man escape by taking them to a secure location on his raft. However, this met with a lot of issues because Fairbank was charged with helping the slaves help and was sent to the penitentiary. Before he was released, the Fugitive Slave law was passed, but this did not prove to be a deterrent to his ideas. According to him, 'I resisted its execution whenever and wherever possib le'. He continued to help the slaves escape. This landed him in the prison again and he spent more than 17 years of his life in the prison, where some phases were filled with physical and mental torture. Through his strategy of using disguises and helping people hide, he played pivotal part in making the life better for many slaves. One of the very interesting events in the book is about how the disguise was used as a very effective technique to help the slaves escape quietly without the threat of being caught.... Fairbank lived in an affluent family that was 'assigned' with two slaves. As these slaves did all the housework, once he got the opportunity to listen to the slave-woman's tale of sorrow, which kindled anger in Fairbank. Once when he was in charge of a raft of lumber, he saw a woodsman who was going to be a slave very soon. Fairbank took him on the raft and helped him. Along with o an old slave woman with 7 children, he helped this man escape by taking them to a secure location on his raft. However, this met with a lot of issues because Fairbank was charged with helping the slaves help and was sent to the penitentiary. Before he was released, the Fugitive Slave law was passed, but this did not prove to be a deterrent to his ideas. According to him, 'I resisted its execution whenever and wherever possible' (Siebert, 1898, p. 159). He continued to help the slaves escape. This landed him in the prison again and he spent more than 17 years of his life in the prison, where some phases wer e filled with physical and mental torture. Through his strategy of using disguises and helping people hide, he played pivotal part in making the life better for many slaves. One of the very interesting events in the book is about how the disguise was used as a very effective technique to help the slaves escape quietly without the threat of being caught. Mr. Sidney Speed of Crawfordsville narrates the incident when a mulatto girl was about 20 years of age reached their home. As the level of vigilance was very high, they could not move her despite many efforts. The owners of this slave were searching for her all across the place. When they got the right opportunity, she was taken to a coloured man's house to devise a plan of escape. There, she was disguised in a dress of silks and

Monday, September 9, 2019

The USA Patriot Act as a Threat Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

The USA Patriot Act as a Threat - Essay Example The United States of America Patriot Act was born right after the September 11, 2001 attacks of the terrorist that made a great impact on the government of the United States of America and the whole world. The USA Patriot Act serves as an anti-terrorism act. The Patriot Act was making possible for the America to be united and to strengthen the nation by providing the necessary tools that are needed to interrupt and block the terrorist act. The interruption and obstruction of these possible terrorists' acts are made through the expansion of the law enforcer's surveillance and giving them additional powers and rights to investigate that brought threat to the privacy and democratic tradition in the history of the United States. President Bush had officially signed the USA Patriot Act on the 26th day of October 2000.The Patriot Act gave threat to the millions of US citizens. This is due to the power given to the law enforcers and giving them the right to enter records of the normal inhab itants of the country. The act supports the rights to access the medical records, tax records, and other basic information such as the books you buy, the books you borrowed even without a cause. The Patriot Act also provides the law enforcers the rights to enter your house without the permission coming from you, and make researches without telling the owner for several weeks, months or even not telling you at all.There are several modifications on the act. Some of these are the surveillance laws, the tracking of suspected terrorist, and the capture of those suspected. The modifications includes the dual purpose of the act to give the authorities the rights to intervene in the personal, private and confidential telephone calls, face-to-face communication and communications through the use of computer and together with these is the right for those who are the authorities to the identification and the interception of those suspected as criminal communications. The modifications on the act regarding the telephone calls, whether it maybe a highly personal calls, that really are of the person's privacy context are included, are not hidden for the authorities through checking on the telephone company records of the calls made from an individuals home of to the individual's telephone. Wiretapping as it was called or electronic eavesdropping or the electronic surveillance can be done by the authorities without prior notice. Also, the bank records of an individual, and the deals made are also tracked. Procedures The procedures that are under the modification of the act are the following: the authorities are permitted to pen register and trace and trap orders that are made through the use of electronic communications such as deals done through the electronic-mail or the like the nationwide implementation for pen registers, trap and trace devices, and the access to the communication records and stored electronic mails are authorized the stored voice mail and telephone conversations stored can be treated by the authorities the interception of communications from an intruder or to the intruder inside the computer system by authorities are permitted but with the system's owner's permission the authorities are given the authority to put the terrorist and computer crimes to the offense list protection for the authorities are supported by the Patriot Act the Patriot Act of the USA aims for the foreign intelligence investigators' and the law enforcement's cooperation those who are on the authority and the government personnel, under the Patriot Act are protected for some of the communications privacy violation Protective Measures of the Patriot Act The USA Patriot Act had designed protective measures for the authorities. The protective measures focused on the prevention of the abuse of the given rights

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Successful Student Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Successful Student - Essay Example As a sign, there is a need to establish on what grounds a person can excel in college. Success for college students is as a result of their character before they become a part of the institution and after joining the system. The article reviews on the way a character defines a person and how it induces the success f the Person in the learning institution. The aspect that a person with a bad character cannot or can excel in the education system is part of the script. The argument that earlier character also induces the character that results at college is also a part of the publication. In addition, the aspect of whether the friends of a person influence an individuals character in such a way that they affect the grades in college is a part of the script. The chief aim is to instill skills in an individual in order to prepare the person for the real world. In order for the person to become a success, there is a need to instill knowledge from all facets. The bid is in an attempt of producing an all round person who is capable of living in the high competition of the world. In order for a person to excel in college, it is well enough to think of what they need to become successful. A person needs to have discipline. Training revolves around good character, good time management, respect and the act of expressing logic. In other words, a person must be civilized enough in order to make the most out of college education. Success in college comes from maintaining strict class attendance. The student should have a timetable for all his classes and strive always to get there in time. Timely arrival is important because most tutors use the first few minutes of their sessions, to sum up, the previous lecture. It is not enough to attend classes, but the student must commit full attention and participation while in class. The student should aim to contribute as much as possible and get involved by asking questions. This not only makes them enjoy the class session,

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Pollution and the effects on our economy and ways to make it better Research Paper

Pollution and the effects on our economy and ways to make it better - Research Paper Example In most cases, most of these negative implications hit more on the environment since most economic activities will involve the production in waste emitting industries. However, not all pollution may have some positive side as well. As it will be noted in the discussion, in some high levels of pollution, governments may be forced to create awareness on the issue and by so doing; employment will be created as human capital is needed to carry out the awareness campaigns. In this paper, discussion is made on how pollution impacts on various economic aspects, which are; Gross Private Domestic Investment, government spending, net export, employment rates and inflation rates. Pollution is a real crisis, with a lot of negative impacts on the environment, which goes on to stall economies locally, nationally and globally. Various economic activities result to pollution. In each of its diverse forms, it is linked to some particular consumption or production process. For instance, the amount of carbon monoxide released in the air has a definite relationship to the amount of fuel burned by diverse automotive engines; the discharge of polluted water into the streams and lakes can be directly linked to the level of output of the paper, steel, textile as well as all the other water-using industries and its amount is dependent on the technological facet of the particular industry. Description and explanation of the level of output of each sector of a given national economy as per its relationships to the corresponding levels of activities in all the other sectors is well done using input-output analysis (Clapp & Dauvergne 89). Undesirable by-products are linked directly to the network of physical relationships governing the daily operations of the economic system. The technical interdependence between the levels of desirable and undesirable outputs can best be described in terms of the structural coefficients similar to the ones used in

Friday, September 6, 2019

Of Mice and Men Main Question Essay Example for Free

Of Mice and Men Main Question Essay The question we are focussing on throughout the whole essay, which is the main theme, is whether Curleys wife is a victim in the story or a tramp. The two different sides of Curleys wife are hard to determine in Steinbecks Mice and Men, as she tends to swap roles from time to time. At points in the story we have reason to believe that that she is a victim, from the way she feels about Curley and her unattained future, which I will explore further on in the essay. I will also put across my points on how she can be a corrupting tramp by exploring her physical appearance, body language and other characters opinions of her. From Steinbecks letter we can see that she couldnt really trust anyone from a young age because every time she trusted in anyone she got hurt. This shows her innocent side. There are not many points in Steinbecks letter that show that she is a corrupting tramp as he tends to mainly focus on her innocent side and he goes through all the times she got hurt and why she got hurt. I will now go on to explain my points in further detail. In this section I will explain how Curleys wife could be an innocent victim in her life and in the eyes of others. She is the victim of the American Dream, her desire to go to Hollywood and be an actress, which was a dream that she could not fulfil because of her mother denying her to leave at such a young age. On page 125 she proves that she really could have been an actress by the text stated She made a small grand gesture with her arm and hand to show that she could act. The fingers trailed after her leading wrist, and her little finger stuck out grandly from the rest. This small quote shows how talented she could have been and it makes you feel heartbroken that she couldnt fulfil her dream. From then on she has been crestfallen and cannot trust anyone, this shows her innocent side. She was told by a man that he could put her in the movies; she was thrilled as she wanted to be a famous actress and be sexy like Jean Harlow and Marilyn Monroe but when her mother said she couldnt go she opted for an easier option to get out of where she was by marrying Curley. She says in the text on page 125 I dont like curley, he aint a nice fella which proves that she was forced to get married to him as it was the last option. Because Curley was the easiest and possibly the last option, he didnt actually love her and just wanted to use her. She knew this and even though he treated her badly, she couldnt leave him as she did love him. Even if she didnt she had nowhere else to go so she was basically trapped in her own home. Her life with Curley is miserable which makes her even more upset about not being able to fulfil her dream and have freedom. In the story she confesses to Lennie the one thing that shes never confessed to anyone, that she doesnt actually like Curley and that she cant escape for fear of what might happen. You can see from this that she just needs someone to talk to as she is so lonely and cant really confide or talk to Curley about anything. The people on the ranch give her the same amount of respect that Curley does. When they call her or see her around the ranch they dont associate her with her own name, to them shes just Curleys wife and they call her Jailbait and Good looking. You can tell she gets frustrated by having no one to talk to when she gets angry on page 123 and says Whats the matter with me? Aint I got a right to talk to nobody? Whatta they think I am anyways? In the story we dont even find out what her name is which shows how much attention she gets for her looks instead of her personality which is where she wants most attention. From this we can see that she just wants someone to talk to. On the other hand there are main features we can see in the text that describe her to seem like a corrupting tramp. Looking at the way Steinbeck describes her physical appearance we can see how at first impressions she would come across as sluttish. For a start, he describes her outfit. On page 53 when she first appears the first impression would definitely come across as tramp- like as he says She had full rouged lips and wide spaced eyes, heavily made up. Her fingernails were red. She wore a cotton dress and red mules. On the insteps of which were little bouquets of red ostrich feathers. The dress and feather shoes give us a glance of how she wants to accentuate her body and her legs and its almost like shes trying to prove that she could be a famous model and have pictures taken of her if shed have had the chance to. The colour of the dress and shoes are red which propose danger as we usually approach red as a threatening colour. So from the start we can she that she is going to be trouble for George and especially Lennie due to previous circumstances with him and a girl. Her hair is described as ringlets like sausages which is good use of foreshadowing as Lennie is described as an animal, and food is used as bait for animals therefore she literally is Jailbait. She wears lots of makeup to accentuate her facial features; this is another reason why she could be a corrupting tramp. The first time she walks into the ranch she leans against the door and leans forward to show off her body to Lennie and George, on page 53 Steinbeck states She put her hands behind her back and leaned against the door frame so that her body was thrown forward. With her accentuated make up and clothing she fails to receive a notice for her feelings and for her emotions and they only concentrate on the way she looks which tells George from the start that she is going to be trouble as she throws herself forward too much for attention. In the way she speaks you can hear the sexiness and huskiness of her voice, as described on page 53 when Steinbeck says Her voice had a nasal, brittle quality which shows us that she wants to entice people or entrance them. To conclude I think it is important to include the death scene where Steinbeck describes her as being free and innocent after her death. He describes her in a child like form and finally being beautiful and achieving everything she needed to achieve because she was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. This really finalises my decision for her being innocent because it shows that she really wasnt ever, or didnt ever mean to be, a corrupting tramp. Her excuse for wearing slutty and provocative clothes could be because she wanted love and affection which she couldnt get from her own, broken relationship with Curley. She was just in the wrong place at the wrong time, and it wasnt her fault. My conclusion is that I think she is innocent because of previous points that I have made and stated.